Western Art and Architecture in A.D. 1800-1900

Art and architecture from A.D. 1800-1900 underwent significant transformations, reflecting the rapidly changing social and political landscape of the 19th century. The era began with the dominance of academic art, which emphasized classical themes and formal techniques. However, as the century progressed, a shift occurred with the emergence of Realism, where artists like Gustave Courbet focused on depicting everyday life with unembellished honesty and social commentary. The latter part of the century saw the rise of Impressionism, led by artists like Claude Monet, who broke from tradition to capture fleeting moments of light and color in their paintings. In architecture, new materials such as iron and steel facilitated groundbreaking structures like the Eiffel Tower, symbolizing technological progress and the move towards modernism, which would define the art and architecture of the 20th century.